Got wanderlust? Even though I'm an absolute sucker for articles listing top (insert arbitrary number here) most beautiful/ must visit cities on Earth, I always wonder if the author has actually been to these places or if they just paraphrased some lines from a guidebook. So I thought - why not generate my own list based on personal travel experiences?
I tried to select photos of locations which I believe hold some character of the city, so they might be a little different from the usual Buzzfeed travel photos. Also, with the exception of some US cities, all these pictures were taken by myself with a point and shoot camera. I'm no photographer, but I think this is a testament to the timeless beauty of these cities.
So here I present: my totally biased, completely honest, and 100% sponsor-free list of the world's must-visit cities.
1. Prague, Czech Republic
2. Budapest, Hungary
3. Vilnius, Lithuania
4. Riga, Latvia
5. Tallinn, Estonia
6. Rome, Italy
20. Taipei, Taiwan
United States
25. Washington D.C.